Signing Requests
Many requests to ColdStack are authenticated on the service side and the user submitting the request must sign it.
Object Storage supports AWS Signature V4.
The signing process consists of the following stages:
Generating a signing key
Generating a signature line
Signing a string with a key
For signing, you must use the HMAC mechanism with the SHA256 hashing function . Support for the corresponding methods is available in many programming languages. The examples assume that there is a function sign(KEY, STRING)
that encodes an input string with a given key.
Generating a signing key
To generate a signing key, you need to have static ColdStack access keys. For information on how to get them, contact us.
Generating a signing key:
Encode date using private key:
Encode the region using the key obtained in the previous step
:Encode the service using the key obtained in the previous step
:Get the signing key:
Generating a signature line
The signature line ( StringToSign
) depends on the ColdStack usage scenario:
Accessing an Amazon S3-compatible API without the need for an SDK or specialized utilities.
Signing URLs using query parameters .
Signing a string with a key
To get the signature of a string, you must use a mechanism HMAC
with a hashing function SHA256
, and convert the resulting result to hexadecimal representation.
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